by Jeff Reynolds
This month I have the honor of interviewing Kerry Nietz, who's published by Marcher Lord Press. We'll be giving away your choice of any of his books, in your choice of print or e-book. The three rules are below.
Jeff Reynolds: How did you come to faith and how did you start getting into writing?
Kerry Neitz: I’m one of those fortunate individuals who came to faith in Christ at an early age. My parents were (still are) very dedicated Christians, and while not perfect, were great models for me growing up. Plus the church we attended was like family.
I usually say I was eight when I came to know the Lord, but it might have been even earlier. Best decision I ever made. Doubtless saved me from a lot of poor decisions and heartache. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:6 “In all your way acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” In the course of my Christian walk I’ve found nothing more accurate than that. God gives straight paths to those who acknowledge Him.
As for the second part of your question, in some respects, I have been writing most of my life. Scraps of things I wrote as a kid still turn up at my parents’ house. I didn’t get serious about it until fourteen years ago, though. My first book (non-fiction) was published in October of 2003, so this month marks a writing anniversary for me. It has been an interesting ten years.
JR: Could you tell us about your latest book and how did you get the idea for that book?
KN: Love to!
The story’s genesis goes back a couple years. Amish novels were all the rage, and my publisher, Jeff Gerke, sent out a mock cover to the Marcher Lord Press authors. An obvious spoof. It featured a bonneted female vampire with some Amish paraphernalia behind her. Also behind her was a large window with a view of an orange planet. Enough to make it clear that the setting was in space. The novel’s title was Vein Pursuit and it was part of the Amish Vampires in Space series. Jeff said it was the ultimate speculative novel! A genre crossover that was sure to be a hit. It was a joke he shared at writing conferences he attended, as well.

Then last year I got this idea about how it all might work, and not be campy. A theme emerged along with a couple key characters, so I started writing. Before I knew it, I was 30,000 words in. I emailed Jeff to tell him what I was doing. When he stopped laughing, he encouraged me to continue. I finished last June and sent it to him. He liked what he read, so here we are.
JR: Was this book as fun to write as it sounds? What was the greatest challenge you faced writing it?
KN: It was great fun to write. It felt like a speculative novelist’s playground to me. Plus the characters really drove the plot. They just started showing up on the page and took over. The book is my longest, but I felt it could’ve been much longer if I hadn’t reined them all in a little.
The biggest challenges were a) creating authentic Amish characters, and b) contriving plausible science fiction vampires. I had some help with the first one, in the form of a friend who’s an Amish romance writer. With the second, I was pretty much on my own....but not really. God is always gracious to me when I’m doing research. Providing just the right science or intriguing idea when I need it. It is a difficult process to describe, but it has happened with all my sci-fi books. It is typically like “Well, Lord, I’ve written myself into a corner here...whoa, oh wait, this will work. Thanks!”
JR: You mentioned your name's in half a dozen other books. Could you tell us about them? And is one of them "But Who Would Be Dumb Enough To Even Try It?"
KN: Sure! I’m fond of all my “children.” I have a sci-fi trilogy that speculates a world under sharia (Islamic) law. The main character is this technological slave named Sandfly. He has an implant in his head to connect him to the future version of the internet, while also keeping him on the straight and narrow via little shocks called “stops.”
The trilogy starts with A Star Curiously Singing. The third book in the series, Freeheads, won the Epic award this year, and was just named a medalist in the Readers Favorite award competition. What is neat there is that in both cases the book was entered in the mainstream science fiction (not Christian-specific) category, even though it is clearly a Christian book.
This February my standalone sci-fi novel Mask was published. It takes place in the Pacific Northwest in the not-too-distant future where everything is decided by a vote. The main character, Radial, is a collector. If you get voted out of the city, he’s the one to come get you. It was just named a finalist for the 2014 Epic award.
I also rereleased my memoire FoxTales this summer. New cover, new revisions, and the addition of some fun souvenirs from my files (maps, funny memos, and whatnot). I’m happy with how it turned out.

Finally, there’s the collaborative fantasy story that many of the Marcher Lord authors helped craft: But Who Would Be Dumb Enough To Even Try It? Each week, for fourteen weeks, a different author would pick up the reins of the story—often from the perspective of a different character—and run with it. It was terrific fun and really seat-of-your-pants writing. There was very little overall planning, so you were at the mercy of whatever the last author left you the week before. Challenging, fun, and a bit chaotic. Despite that (or maybe because of it) I think story turned out quite well.
That’s one advantage of being part of the Marcher Lord fold. Literary experimentation is encouraged.
JR: Probably, for anybody coming up with a new novel is having a tough act to follow. For a novelty story that stretches a genre, I'd guess the challenge is greater. What's next on the agenda? Or are you planning a historical romance next?
KN: LOL. No, no historical romance planned as of yet. You know, I’m at one of those places where I’m open to wherever God wants to take me, writing-wise. There are several things I could do—step back into any of the worlds of my other books, but right now I’m really busy with promotion of what I’ve written already. That takes more time than you might think.
After that...we’ll see.
JR: Thank you for your time. Is there a web-page people can keep in touch with you at?
KN: Absolutely. My website is I’m also regularly on my Facebook author page here:
Thanks for inviting me!
Jeff to Reader:
Now, for the giveaway. You have your choice between the books he's mentioned, in your choice of format. You just have to do three simple things:
1. Leave a comment.
2. Include your e-mail address.
3. Tell us what you would consider a title for a book that would grab people's attention like Kerry's Amish Vampires In Space
As a reader, and as a writer, I'm so glad we have publishers like Jeff Gerke at Marcher Lord Press who get it! I'd love to see something like Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Planet.
ReplyDeleteNice interview. I was interested in learning more about the book and why it was written.
Love finds you in Transylvania (lol)
I love those title suggestions. They make me have ideas... :)
ReplyDeleteThat's what I like about Kerry Nietz! He'll run with imaginative, spontaneous ideas, and create something great from them.
How about: Revenge of the Venomous Turkey
When I first saw the title of Amish Vampires, I thought it was a joke. HA!! But it really sounds interesting. Great interview.
title: Mummies in Love and Other Dangerous Dances (yeah, I'm thinking short stories)
I loved reading But Who Would Be Dumb Enough to Try! So far I love Nietz' style of writing, and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of AViS!
Title: Dancing Beneath Water (Not quite sure where this one would lead, as it could go with many things. . .)
Loved Nietz's DarkTrench saga. Long live sci-fi!
ReplyDeletejawsauthor @
Title: A Robot's Glorious Attempt at Being
Can't wait to read your new book.
How about The Vampire, The robot and the Wardrobe.
I'm about to do the drawing, but I thought I'd go ahead and mention some titles I came up with. Now, I'm taking a different slant, being more mystery/suspense than speculative. But I thought of one title for my mystery series to be "A Witness To The Persecution." If you can't figure out what that's a tribute to, you don't know mysteries.
ReplyDeleteI also had thought of a three part suspense series, with the titles being "Usher of the House of Fall", "The Hunt for Dick Mobey" and "The Manicurist Candidate." By the way, the main thing in common between the original stories and my titles are the titles.
Out of the other titles, I thought the best was "Dancing Beneath Water," because it was catchy but it also lends itself to being the most serious attempt at fiction. The funniest was "Love Finds You In Transylvania," with "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Planet" getting honorable mention. Just my opinion.