I had the privilege of interviewing Fay Lamb and learning more about her and her upcoming release.
Which of your books was your favorite to write? Why?
No kidding. At one point, I had my characters balking at me because of some of the clues I left. I got downright angry because that character was right. I was giving away too much. I had to think myself out of a corner, and imagine the surprise for those characters when I realized there was not one villain but two, and one of those individuals had been around a lot longer than the heroine even knew.
The story is also my favorite because it has a Gothic tone to it. You know, old Victorian house and voices coming through the walls, secret tunnels, and all that scary stuff that goes well with a romantic suspense set in the mountains of North Carolina in October.
How many books have you written?
What do you enjoy most about writing books?
Finishing them. Only kidding.
When I sit down to write, I get lost. I’m not sitting at my desk or in my chair. I’m wherever my characters are. I’m the point-of-view character for the scene I’m writing, and I’m engaged in the conflict they’re trying to get through. In other words, I am emotionally tethered to the world I am creating, and I can’t describe the freedom that I feel when I’m there and not here.
Did you always want to be a writer?
Before I could write, I was telling stories to my neighborhood pals. I dreamed up plays, and they enacted them. As soon as I could scribble words onto paper, I was writing little stories, and today, when I see my old classmates from high school, the one thing they remember about me is that I wrote stories. In fact, some of those stories found their way into a group of vignettes I pieced together, and they eventually become the novel that my publisher tagged as One Small Island, One Epic Tale. The stories I was writing in high school bloomed into my largest project ever Storms in Serenity.
Fay's upcoming release is The Visitor Meets Old Hairy.
The Visitor Meets Old Hairy
Back Cover Blurb:
The Visitor goes camping? Pollyanna Reagan can't wait to take her always-put-together, ultra-professional sister out into the boonies. But when they encounter what they thought was a mythical creature, they might both become sticks in the mud.
Of course, when they find a body, a stiff in the mud, Connie shifts into deduction mode. Was the deceased somehow scared to death or possibly attacked by what should be imaginary, or are there other, more human and certainly more vicious, intentions at play?
Match wits with The Visitor as she unravels this twisted puzzle and the family drama that surrounds it.

Fay Lamb is the only daughter of a rebel genius father and a hard-working, tow-the-line mom. She is not only a fifth-generation Floridian, she has lived her life in Titusville, where her grandmother was born in 1899.
Since an early age, storytelling has been Fay’s greatest desire. She seeks to create memorable characters that touch her readers’ hearts. She says of her writing, “If I can’t laugh or cry at the words written on the pages of my manuscript, the story is not ready for the reader.” Fay writes in various genres, including romance, romantic suspense, and contemporary fiction.
If you’d like to catch up with Fay, visit her at her website, on Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter. Also, Fay has become a “novel” gardener, and she shares her adventure in her newsletter, Tales from the Azalea Garden. You can sign up for her newsletter, Tales from the Azalea Garden, here.
Links to Social Media:
The Visitor Meets Old Hairy: https://amzn.to/3iLN5Uk
Join the Expedition: Enter the contest by guessing at the clues given to you as to the location of each book in The Visitor series: https://www.writeintegrity.com/thevisitor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FayFayLamb
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FayFaylamb
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1482814.Fay_Lamb
Amazon Central: https://amazon.com/author/faylamb
Newsletter, Tales from the Azalea Garden: https://www.faylamb.net/contact