What made you decide to
start writing?
I didn’t decide. I can’t
remember a time I didn’t write. From grade school up, I’ve always loved
writing. It’s so much a part of me, I can’t imagine life without it. In my own
mind, I think: Carole, and the image: “writer/author” pops up.
I worked hard to support my
husband throughout our sons’ younger years, but once grown, I knew it was MY
time. I needed to pursue writing--not as a hobby any longer--but as a creative
job. Thankfully, I’ve had the support of my husband and family.
What advice would you give
to aspiring writers?
God’s leading. He really does know the direction we should take that will be
the best and give us the most peace and happiness!
your dreams. I’m a big believer in this. I hate to see people working at jobs
they dislike immensely (although I also understand it’s necessary sometimes).
YOUR writing journey and be true to it. Every writer has their own path to
tread and that’s the one they should walk upon. My journey may not be yours,
but it’s MINE.
give up. Enough said!
What does your writing
schedule look like?
I never run out of ideas, so
it’s usually pretty hectic. I always have more than one story going at a time
and spend time alternating between them unless I’m on a deadline.
Now that I’m published, I
find marketing takes a lot of my time (but I love it!), so have to be really
disciplined to write. Unlike some writers, I find my best novel writing time is
either late morning or afternoons.
By evening, my mind is too
tired to novel-write, but I can work on extra writing activities: interviews,
articles, or just spending time with my husband and family. I strive for at
least 1000 words a day, but that doesn’t always happen.
Tell me about your latest
release? What are the major themes?
For Tyrell Walker, God is in control. No matter what
disappointments from your parents or from your own choices life hands you, if
we wait and trust, God will direct our paths.
For Emma Jaine Rayner, patience and tolerance is a
biggie. She is so impatient with her sisters’ choices and desires that she can
be a little overbearing. If only they would listen! But God has an individual
plan for each of us. Our choices for the other person may NOT be what God has

Who is your favorite
character in the story and why?
Since I love ALL the
characters in this book, it’s hard to pick one. I’ll take a stab at it though.
Gertrude (Gertie to her
friends) is an elderly, well dressed boarder in the Rayner Boarding home. She’s
garrulous and smart and funny. Loyal to those she cares about but condescending
to those she considers self-dramatists, she’s usually decked out in the best
clothes and an overload of jewelry.
“I’m Tyrell, ma’am.”
“Why haven’t you enlisted, Tyrell? A
big, strong man like you.”
(Brusque and a little nosy.)
A little bit farther on:
Gertrude Hanover snorted, and in a
voice calculated to reach its desired object, lashed out, “Shameless.
Absolutely shameless, that one. She’s after anything in pants.”
“Nosy old witch.” Bette leaned
forward to glare around Jerry, who separated her from Gertrude.
“Truth’s the truth, my dear.”
Gertrude sniffed.
(A little intolerant of those individuals who constantly need drama.)
And one more example from a later Chapter:
The older lady’s eyes glittered,
begging to be part of the excitement. “What decent girl is going to want him? I’d
bet on another sleazy man. Want me to follow him?”
“Absolutely not.” Tyrell
gripped her hand. “Promise me, Miss Gertie, you won’t do anything foolish.”
“Of course not, Tyrell. Do you think
I want to get killed?”
Tyrell’s blood chilled but he patted
her hand.
“Now, listen, there’s more. Twice he’s
come home in the middle of the day. Doesn’t stay long. Slips in, slips out.
Doubt if anyone else in the house hears him.” She peered at him, and Tyrell was
sure her tongue was in her cheek.
“What were you doing in Hank’s room a
few days ago? Saw you opening his locked door, slick as a real burglar. Saved
your bacon, didn’t I, calling Hank to hang a picture for me? Didn’t need him.
Jonah Mason always does my handy work and does very well. But wanted to give
you time to make your get-away. The movie characters always talk savvy, don’t
So she had seen him entering Hank’s
room. “Uh . . .”
answer. I’m sure you have your reasons. Never could abide Dawson. Emma Jaine
should have more sense than to allow the likes of him into this house.” She
sniffed. “Mark my words, she’ll rue the day she let him rent here.”
(Caring and helpful with
those she cares about, eager to please within limits)
How do you like to spend
your time when not writing?
First and foremost: family.
Having two sons I love and now, three grandsons means family time is more
important than ever. We’ve always spent a lot of time with our boys--reading,
visiting and vacationing in interesting areas, devotional fun time, etc. That’s
carrying on into our grandparent stage!
My husband and I enjoy
traveling. Seeing and experiencing new areas and walks of life keeps life
interesting and varied. We have a small hobby farm where we live quietly
enjoying our hot tub, walks, garden pond, flowers, pets, a small vegetable
garden and projects that go along with owning property.
How can readers contact
you and/or learn more about you and your writing?
Here is my bio and contact
information. I love to interact with old and new friends!
Brown not only has her
award winning (RWA International Digital Awards Contest 2nd place in
Inspirational, Laurel Award finalist, Selah finalist; Genesis semi-finalist)
debut novel, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, available for purchase
now, but a companion book called West Virginia Scrapbook: From the Life of
Caralynne Hayman, filled with tidbits of information about West Virginia,
quotes, recipes from West Virginia and from Caralynne’s life, pictures and
discussion questions for the novel.
November, 2013, the first
book in her mystery series, Hog Insane, released. It’s a fun,
lighthearted novel introducing the characters, Denton and Alex Davies. Look for
the second book, Bat Crazy, late winter.
Releasing November, 2014,
is the first book in a new WWII romantic suspense series: With Music In
Their Hearts. Three red-headed sisters. Three spies. Three stories.
Besides being a member and
active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring
beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books,
along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for
outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but
have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they
enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and
did she mention their grandsons?
Connect with her here:
Personal blog: http://sunnebnkwrtr.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/browncarole212
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sunnywrtr/boards/
I also am part of several
other blogs:
Stitches in Time: http://stitchesthrutime.blogspot.com/
Barn Door Book Loft: http://www.barndoorbookloft.net/
With Music in Their Heart
Angry at being rejected for
military service, Minister Tyrell Walker accepts the call to serve as a
civilian spy within his own country. Across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio, a
spy working for a foreign country is stealing secret plans for newly developed
ammunition to be used in the war. According to his FBI cousin, this spy favors
pink stationery giving strong indications that a woman is involved.
He’s instructed to obtain a
room in the Rayner Boarding House run by the lovely, spunky red-haired Emma
Jaine Rayner. Sparks of jealousy and love fly between them immediately even
as they battle suspicions that one or the other is not on the up and up.
While Tyrell searches for the
murdering spy who reaches even into the boarding home, Emma Jaine struggles
with an annoying renter, a worried father (who could be involved in this spy
thing), and two younger sisters who are very different but just as strong
willed as she is.
As Tyrell works to keep his
double life a secret and locate the traitor, he refuses to believe that Emma
Jaine could be involved even when he sees a red-haired woman in the arms of
another man. Could the handsome and svelte banker who’s also determined to win
Emma Jaine’s hand for marriage, be the dangerous man he’s looking for? Is the
trouble-making renter who hassles Emma Jaine serving as a flunky? Worse, is
Papa Rayner so worried about his finances and keeping his girls in the style
they’re used to, that he’ll stoop to espionage?
Will their love survive the
danger and personal issues that arise to hinder the path of true love?
With Music in Their Heart
releases November 2014! Check out my personal links to keep in touch for
availability! Then look for it on Amazon. Book Launch is scheduled for November
10 on Facebook.